Monday, May 18, 2020

Agenda updated for 5/19/20 Special-Called Board Meeting

The agenda for the May 19, 2020 Special-Called Meeting has been updated to include a link to the 2020-2021 Budget. The title slide for the attachment is Budget Workshop. 
Tomorrow's meeting starts at 5:00PM. View the meeting here:  
You will NOT have any opportunity to speak or participate!

A Budget Workshop has traditionally been the opportunity for the public to examine and comment on the budget for the coming school year.

Last week the Board suspended Board Policy BEDH - Public Participation at Meetings. It didn't just suspend it temporarily, as Amelia McKie claimed so emphatically. Her wording was false and deceiving, and her statement should have been corrected by the Board Secretary or the Board Chair before the vote was taken.

There was nothing in the Motion about a "temporary" suspension. The Board suspended the public's opportunity to address the board at meetings. In other words, squelched, squashed, silenced. The board should be embarrassed about its vote. The vote was 6-0.

Only Trustee Lindsay Agostini voted NO on the Motion to suspend BEDH.

If you care to look at the proposed budget, it's here. Warning: what is "here" is the link posted by the District at this moment (5/19;/20 10:20AM). It can be changed at any time before today at 5:00PM.

If you have a comment on the budget, email your comments to board members, whose email addresses are here.  Or phone them.