Monday, April 10, 2023

Board Committee Reports

Both the Safety Committee and the Inspector General Recommendations Committee met on March 21, 2023.

It was my understanding the both committees would issue written statements (more complete than Minutes) of their meetings but, as of April 10th, no reports are published.

If and when they ever are published, they should be found on the District's website. Look under EXPLORE, then School Board, then COMMITTEE MINUTES, then click on the committee and meeting date that interests you.

The "Minutes" of the I.G Committee for January and February are worthless. They don't provide any information at all.

It is virtually impossible to find the names of the committee members on the District's website.

The I.G. Committee members are Trustees Washington, Porter, and Trapp.

The Safety Committee members are Trustees Nash, Scott, and McFadden, and also the Richland 2 Teacher of the Year, the Director of Safety (Marq Claxton), a RCSD deputy (Capt. Verlon Rhodes), two parents (McGee Moody and __?__), and two students.

School Safety Report (2018)

The Safety Committee of the Richland School District Two may already be aware of this Report from the Federal Commission on School Safety. It was issued on December 18, 2018, under the signatures of the Secretaries of Education, Homeland Security, Justice, and Health and Human Services.

May I urge you to save a copy as a .pdf on your computer (or, of course, you can print all 180 pages).

Here's the link:

This Report was transmitted to then-President Donald Trump.

You'll quickly note the red-lettered note at the top of each page that reads, "Some statements in this report do not reflect the current positions or policies of the Departments of Education, Homeland Security, Justice, or Health and Human Services." Those "current positions or policies" would be of the woke crowd in Joe Biden's cabinet.

Save this Report in its original form, before it disappears.

The Safety Committee does not have a meeting scheduled in April. Does this mean that all Richland 2 schools are now safe, as a result of the $1 Million spent on the new alert system?

Everybody is safe this week. (There is no school.)

School Choice - what is it?

What do you know about school choice?

Most reading this probably do know something about it. I suspect most readers here are parents, including teachers. 

I admit to being behind the curve. I have no children in school and no grandchildren in school. Sometimes, I am asked, "So why are you involved with the school district?"

I care about education. I prefer education to indoctrination. I believe parents make the choices for their kids, not the "government".

Watch this short video about School Choice.