The June 29th school board meeting will convene at 4:30PM*, according to the notes with the published Agenda. This is an hour earlier than normal. See the Agenda for items to be discussed out of public hearing. A longer-than-usual Executive Session is planned.
At 6:00PM the Regular Meeting will re-convene.
However, an email to media indicated that the board meeting will start at 5:30PM, with the budget hearing and Regular Meeting at 6:00PM, after the Executive Session.
* NOTE: Check on the District's website for any correction to the starting time.
EDIT at 6:28PM
An amended announcement was mailed out by Richland 2 that the correct starting time of the board meeting is 4:30PM.
At 10:39AM the District sent out it first announcement to media, with the starting time as 5:30PM.
At 10:51AM I emailed the District to ask the correct starting time; 4:30PM or 5:30PM.
At 11:10AM the District issued a correction of the starting time to 4:30PM.
Still waiting for the District to say "Thanks".