Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Spring Valley SRO escapes jail time

No doubt you saw the news about the Spring Valley SRO who escaped jail time for his misdeeds at Spring Valley High School. Just exactly why did Judge Daniel Coble not send him off to prison???

If you only read the local media or watched it on TV, you missed the whole story.

Read the long article on the Washington Post website. Read it slowly and carefully.

Ask why. Ask WHY!

What kind of investigations were done that allowed Jamel Bradley to get away with it for so long?

Where were the breakdowns in Richland 2? Where were the breakdowns at the Richland County Sheriff's Department?

Here's the link to the WashPo story:

Georgia School Shooting

I found a shocking statement in one of the CBS News' online articles.

"FBI Atlanta said on social media Wednesday night that county authorities had interviewed the suspect last year about online threats to commit a school shooting."

It's my guess that school officials, SROs, and other law-enforcement personnel know who the future shooters are.

And that they are reluctant to "profile" them.

The school-to-prison "pipeline" can be shutdown. Implement the right programs of respect and discipline. It's way past time for "Tough Love".

The Social Justice Warriors, at least around here, will scream racial profiling. I say, "So what?"

Look at the photos of the troublemakers in your schools. Look at the photos of the criminals and suspects in the news? What do you see? 

National BeSmart Week was August 26-30. I'll tell you, folks. Gun locks will not solve the gun violence problem in schools or in Columbia or in this country. Wimpy approaches to the problems will solve none.

All the "Did you know..." questions are worthless. I don't want to hear that pitch one more time. 

Surely there are some smart people around Richland 2 who can figure this out. It's time to stop talkin' the talk and start walkin' the walk.