Monday, May 8, 2023

Surprise! Open Meeting; no Executive Session

When tonight's board meeting (May 8, 2023) started (scheduled starting time of 4:30PM), the chair asked for a motion to approve the agenda.

Trustee Trapp made the motion. Trustee Nash, instead of seconding the motion, wanted to amend the primary motion to have the meeting in the open, rather than in executive session.

Hello? Protocol! Chair Agostini explained there was a motion on the floor that needed a second. After the second, Trustee Nash made her secondary motion and it was approved 6-0-1; that's One Not Present. Trustee Washington was absent.

Then the primary motion was approved as amended.

Trustee Scott was called on. She explained that Trustee Washington would be arriving late, and then she introduced "Mac and Jake", the consulting firm for the superintendent search.

The name of the search firm is McPherson & Jacobson LLC, not "Mac and Jake". Their internet domain is "" which, to me, sounds more like a burger joint.

That introduction occurred at 18:15 on the recording at

The recording ends at 3:21:16. 

For me it is 9:30PM now, and I can't imagine what took three (3) hours to discuss. The consulting firm should have shown up with recommendations; maybe it did. If it did and this meeting still took three hours, by now they'll know they are going to lose money on the Richland Two superintendent search.