Read this article about the 1st-Grader who shot his teacher in Virginia.
Read what the teachers said.
How much of that is going on right here in Richland 2?
Read this article about the 1st-Grader who shot his teacher in Virginia.
Read what the teachers said.
How much of that is going on right here in Richland 2?
The starting time for the special-called meeting is announced as 5:20PM EST. The meeting will be broadcast at
The agenda has not yet been published but will be by 5:20PM EST today.
My guess is that the board will appoint an Acting Superintendent.
[Edited 1/18/2023 5:13PM]
The agenda provides the purpose of the Executive Session: "Receipt of Legal Advice Regarding Acting/Interim Superintendent".
Let's hope the motion can be made clearly, correctly and briefly, "I move that we enter Executive Session for the purpose of receiving legal advice regarding an Acting/Interim superintendent."
How big will the technical problem be, if they do more than "receive" legal advice? What if they discuss structuring and offering a position? The lawyer won't tell them whom to appoint as Acting/Interim Superintendent, how to conduct a search for the successor to Baron Davis, and all those details. Does all that fit neatly under "receiving legal advice" or is the Board entering a minefield by limiting the purpose of the Executive Session?