Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Supt. to Australia - confirmed

Yes, taxpayers, it's true. Baron Davis is planning a junket to Melbourne, Australia, and it looks like a second Richland 2 employee, Shawn Suber, will go on the trip, too.

Richland 2 Media Dept. issued a press release today.  You can read it on the Richland 2 website at www.richland2.org

The press release states that "CGE covers travel and accommodation expenses for participants." Are Davis and Shawn Suber incurring any expenses to be paid by Richland 2? Are they going on their own time?

When did the Board of Trustees consider Davis' request for international travel and representing the District on foreign soil?

Did the Board consider whether travel to and attending a conference on SEL and "equitable systems" at this time is proper? The District is facing a lot of heat on the CRT front and the SEL/WEL issues. And replacing equality with equity.

Digital Promise League is the organization that came to taxpayer's attention in 2020, when Davis was headed there after COVID-19 broke out. That travel was covered here at here. If I remember correctly, he ended up not going to Compton, Calif., where he was to be a speaker.

In my opinion, Richland 2 could use less of innovation and more of practical. Let's prepare students to deal with reality, not progressive ideas and programs that make them victims in the future.

Here's the June 7th press release:

Richland Two is one of 10 school districts in the United States selected to participate in the Innovation Study Tour and Working Group on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Learning Differences. 

The Center for Global Education (CGE) at Asia Society and Digital Promise launched the innovation study tours in 2019 to give school districts the opportunity to explore different perspectives outside of their typical environments. Participants collaborate through webinars and culminating study tours.

“Being selected to participate in the first and second Innovation Study Tours is quite an honor for our school district,” said Richland Two Superintendent Dr. Baron R. Davis. “Dr. Helen Grant, our Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer, and I gained a deeper understanding of the policies, systems, data and professional development needed to create more equitable school systems in the first study tour to Toronto, Ontario.”

Since 2021, Dr. Davis and Dr. Shawn Suber have represented Richland Two in an online study of the innovative system-wide SEL and Learning Difference strategies implemented by Surrey Schools in British Columbia. Dr. Davis and Dr. Suber, who is the district’s director of multi-tiered systems of support/state and federal programs, will travel to Melbourne, Australia, for an innovation study tour that brings together the work of both studies — equitable systems and SEL/learning differences.

According to Digital Promise and the CGE, “the ultimate aim of this work is to promote greater equity and to ensure all students are well prepared for college, careers and informed, active citizenship in a global era.” CGE covers travel and accommodation expenses for participants.

How Many Teachers are Leaving Richland 2?

How many teachers are leaving Richland 2? 

How many left during the 2021-2022 School Year? How many did not sign contracts that were offered for the 2022-2023 School Year? How many were not offered contracts for the coming year?

What is the make-up of those who have left and those who are leaving?

Administration should provide an exhaustive report to the Board, documenting age, gender, race, employment position, number of years with Richland 2, last school assignment.

The general breakdown should include reporting per-school. Are some schools incurring high turnover? Why?

WHY are they leaving? What are the reasons?

It is my understanding that Richland 2 does not conduct Exit Interviews.

Exit Interviews must be conducted so there are no repercussions, retribution, retaliation against the departing teacher. They must be conducted by an outside, independent, experienced consulting firm that can guarantee anonymity to the respondent. 

Teachers don't want their future employment prospects killed by a poor recommendation. Now it the teacher was a slouch and merits a poor recommendation, it should be given.

If a teacher is leaving over valid concerns for safety, a terrible work environment, unreasonable expectations, an unreasonably-biased supervisor, refusal to support CRT, Administration and the Board need to know.

Teachers, if you want me to publish your reasons for leaving, write it up and email it to gusphilpott@gmail.com  If you wish, write it in such a way that obscures your identity. I shall NOT reveal your name or email address. Guaranteed!

Can you trust my guarantee? I wrote a blog in Illinois for seven years, and many cops and deputies gave me the dirt from theie departments. The sheriff there (McHenry County, Ill.) subpoenaed 27 months' worth of documents from me, including the names of any present or former employees of that sheriff's department. I knew immediately that I would not comply with the subpoena, and I filed a Motion to Quash the subpoena pro se. The Federal Magistrate granted my Motion!!!

Had he not, I was prepared to sit in jail on a Contempt charge, because I had promised confidentiality to the cops and deputies.