Why would the Richland-Lexington 5 School District AND a board member resign at last night's board meeting?
Here's the story in The State newspaper.
Supt. Christina Melton issued a polite and "politically-correct" statement afterwards.
You can bet there is more to the story.
Will she eventually tell the whole story?
Will the board member go public with the true reason for his resignation? The article in The State mentioned the board member in its headline but included nothing in the story. Hello?
WISTV.COM and WACH.TV also failed to identify the board member.
The Post and Courier was braver and more complete. It identified Ed White as the board member, and it indicated that newly-elected (November 2020) board members may have been at least partially responsible for the superintendent's resignation.
Richland 2 voters should be reminded that The Squad holds the majority of R2 board seats, although two members of The Squad aren't legitimate board members. All that Amelia McKie and Teresa Holmes have to do to become legitimate board members is take the oath of office legally. When they took the oath on November 13, 2018, they were not yet eligible to take it because neither had filed her Statement of Economic Interests Report with the South Carolina Ethics Commission.
South Carolina law clearly states that you are to file your SEI before you can take the oath and assume the responsibilities of the elected office.
Next time you see McKie and Holmes, ask them why they refuse to take the oath of office legally.