Riley is the author of Maverick; a Biography of Thomas Sowell, published in May 2021. Riley writes an insightful piece about Sowell, and I highly recommend it to your reading.
Thomas Sowell was born on June 30, 1930 in Gastonia, North Carolina. Riley describes him as "a black orphan from the Jim Crow South who was born into extreme poverty during the Great Depression, never finished high school, didn't earn a college degree until he was 28, and didn't write his first book until he was 40."
Sowell published his 36th book in 2020. It is Charter Schools and Their Enemies.
Riley quotes Sowell, "Schools exist for the education of children. Schools do not exist to provide iron-clad jobs for teachers, billions of dollars in union dues for teachers unions, monopolies for educational bureaucracies, a guaranteed market for [graduates of] teachers colleges, or a captive audience for indoctrinators."
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