Thursday, March 9, 2023

Members of two R2 Committees

The Richland 2 school board chair created two committees of the board. I haven't found anywhere on the District's website where the committee members are listed, so here they are.

Safety Committee *
Angela Nash, chair
Lashonda McFadden
Monica Scott

Inspector General (I.G.) Recommendations Committee
Tamika Washington, chair
Niki Porter
Joe Trapp

If you wish to communicate with any of the Committee members, you can find their contact information of the District's page for Board Members.

* It appears that persons have been identified to represent segments of the Richland 2 community on the Safety Committee and that they are now part of that Committee. I'm inquiring who those persons are.

3/14/23 Board Meeting: 4:00PM/6:30PM

The next Regular Meeting of the Richland 2 school board will be Tuesday, March 14, 2023.

Note the special starting time for the Executive Session: 4:00PM.

The Regular Meeting will re-convene at 6:30PM.

The Agenda has not yet been published. What's up with a 2½-hour Executive Session?

The Agenda must be published by Monday, March 13, 4:00PM, but it will likely be available online at the end of the day today (Thursday (3/9)) or Friday (3/10).

March 10 Board Meeting - Planning Session

The Richland 2 Board of Trustees will hold a Strategic Planning Work Session tomorrow, Friday, March 10, 2023, at 9:00AM.

How will you know about this?

It is announced on the School Board's "Agenda" page on the District's website. That's down several clicks into the website. A place where you might not easily find to look for upcoming meetings.

Where is it not published?

It is not on the listing of Upcoming Events on the District's homepage.

It is not on the page of upcoming livestreamed meetings on

Has this public meeting of the Board been properly announced ("noticed"), in according with FOIA and Open Meetings laws? The Agenda fails to disclose the location of this meeting.

Many will guess, perhaps correctly, that it is at R2i2. But the Notice needs to disclose the location.

How long will the meeting last? No ending time is included in the agenda. Will the meeting be conducted expeditiously? Will "Parkinson's Law" prevail?