Amelia McKie's debt to the South Carolina Ethics Commission hasn't gone down since July 2018. In fact, it has gone up!
The Ethics Commission issued Order and Decision No. C2017-023 on July 3, 2018. It ordered McKie to pay. It told her what would happen if she didn't pay. She didn't.
On July 10, 2019 the Commission entered a Judgment against McKie in the Richland County Common Pleas Court. The Judgment Amount is $51,750.
McKie has not paid one penny toward that Judgment.
The Ethics Commission has now added $50.00 to the bill for a late-filing penalty.
McKie is (sort of) a School Board Trustee in a District with a $300,000,000 annual budget. I say "sort of" because she has never taken the oath of office legally. She is not even legitimately on the School Board. Yet the other trustees allow her to sit in a seat at the board during meetings, pay her a monthly wage of about $800, and even let her represent Richland 2 on the board of the South Carolina School Boards Association (SCSBA)!
Supt. Davis, over whom McKie frequently gushes during board meetings, frequently speaks about Richland Two's being a "premier" district. Really? Led by a "premier" board?
Why doesn't he sit down with her and say, "Amelia - look, friend, you really need to take the oath of office and you've got to start paying off your debt to the State of South Carolina."
Is any board member tough on Ethic? Manning? Agostini? Elkins? Caution-Parker? McFadden?
I'm not going to ask about Holmes. She has her own problems. She too has never taken the oath of office legally and, therefore, is not a legitimate member of the Richland 2 School Board. At least, she doesn't owe any money to the Ethics Commission.
What's the answer? McKie should leave the board. "Resigning" won't be the right step, because she is not even legally on the board. So, she should just stop showing up. And the District should stop paying her. (They should never have paid her (or Holmes) since November 13, 2018.) Richland 2 should appoint a board member in-good-standing to the SCSBA.