Today I have sent a follow-up to my March 8th complaint about the improper administration of Administraive Rule KI-R.
Chair Holmes and members of the board,
Today I have sent a follow-up to my March 8th complaint about the improper administration of Administraive Rule KI-R.
Chair Holmes and members of the board,
Read this from an article in The State newspaper about two women who attacked students in a middle school in Sumter.
"If convicted on the assault charge, each woman faces a maximum sentence of a year in prison, while a conviction on the misdemeanor disturbing schools charge is punishable by a maximum of 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine, according to South Carolina law." Read more at:
So, thinking back to January 25, if the Richland 2 superintendent did, as reported, charge at Gary Ginn and had to be restrained by Richland 2 security officers and board members, and if Pamela Davis did disrupt schools by shouting at me in the boardroom and cussing out a 14-year-old student, weren't they subject to these same charges and penalties?
How did the sheriff's department and solicitor's office make their decisions so quickly, less than 24 hours later, that no crimes had been committed?
RCSD had my written statement, but they never talked to me. The 14-year-old student says RCSD never talked to him. Did RCSD ever interview Gary Ginn? If they didn't talk to the victims, to whom did they talk?