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This means you can email the article to someone you'd like to know about it. Please click on it often and forward article. Invite your friends, family, neighbors, and work colleagues to follow this blog. It is my hope that they will be able to make better decisions at the polls on November 9th.
If you owned the $1,000,000,000 that Richland 2 is, would you keep the four who constitute the majority of the board around much longer? Would you tell them to stop bickering and start working together?
I don't see any record of who forwards articles. No email addresses (yours or that of the person to whom you forward an article) are mined or used for anything. I don't care who forwards articles, and I appreciate you if you do.
What I do see is the counter on this blog. Today it is at 46,760. These are pageviews, not unique visitors. That's up substantially from a few months ago.
Why have I continued to write this blog?
1. McKie has not paid down her $57,100 fine to the S.C. Ethics Commission!
2. Holmes and McKie have never taken the oath-of-office legally. They are not legitimate members of the school board.
3. The school board is in chaos. In all my years in business I have never seen anything like it. The disrespect shown by the majority to the minority (three) members on the board is inexcusable.
4. In spite of two workshops that were to heal the chaos, the chaos and disorder on March 22 were as bad as they have ever been.
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