Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Former VP Pence on Biden and Afghanistan

Every high school student, college student, young adult and adult should read this Opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, published August 17, 2021.

Former Vice-President Mike Pence hits the nail on the head.

Read it here or copy/paste this link:

This is what America got, when it elected Joe Biden as President.

Charleston SC Masks-in-Schools Hits National News

Check out this FoxNews article about the uproar in Charleston yesterday, when parents unloaded on the Charleston City Council about a mask mandate for schools.

Key words in the FoxNews article: "...all children over the age of 2 to wear masks at all public facilities, 'including public schools, private schools and daycares.'" 

Parents demand a say in issues that affect their children. Do you?

The YouTube video of the 8/17/2021 City Council meeting is here:  The meeting appears to have been 5 hours 32 minutes in length! Whew!!!

The City Council also declined to accept a 500+-page report from the city’s Special Commission on Equity, Inclusion and Racial Conciliation. 
