Yes, Virginia, there is a free lunch.
Whoever said there is no such thing as a free lunch?
If you stuck around to the end of last night's board meeting and heard what the superintendent had to say in his closing remarks (starting at 3:43:25), you heard him say, among other, usual, elaborate remarks that he has a plan to provide free lunch from the General Fund to students who don't qualify for free and reduced-price lunch.
The superintendent continues to be a man who, if something can be said in a few words, will take a few hundred words to say it.
There will be a Special-Called Board Meeting on Thursday, August 25th, at 5:30PM to discuss meal funding. Chair Manning said he will allow for public input. The agenda provides for Public Participation.
What will that meeting cost the District? Six trustees at $340 and one chair at $400, plus staff? Looks like $2,440 plus dinner plus employee and security time. For a deal that the superintendent should be figuring out and just presenting to the board for a decision. Sheesh!!!
Manning thanked the staff. How many were there last night? Twenty? For what reason?
What a waste of resources to have so many Richland 2 staff at board meetings? Why isn't any board member addressing that waste?