WACH-TV is reporting today that the family of one of the stabbing victims at Ridge View High School on Tuesday is suing Richland 2 School District and the mother of the suspect, named by WIS-TV earlier in the week as Tony Abrams, age 17.
WACH-TV did not name Attorney John Mobley's client or the student.
However, the article answered a couple of my questions about prior incidents. The article states:
"Attorney John Mobley says this is not the first incident between the students.
"He says days prior the suspect allegedly assaulted the student with brass knuckles and took his belongings."
What? Abrams (allegedly) used brass knuckles against the stabbing victim "days prior"? And stole his belongings? At school? And Abrams was still in school???
How bad is crime at Ridge View High School?
Is it under-reported to RCSD? Do administrators treat crimes as discipline problems? A few years ago I found a Discipline Schedule somewhere in online District materials. As I recall, there are three levels of discipline.
Where do brass knuckles and theft fall in the grand scheme of "discipline"?