Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Chamber Candidates' Forum

The Columbia Chamber of Commerce sponsored the Richland 2 Candidates' Forum this morning at the beautiful auditorium of the South Carolina Archives and History Center.

Ten candidates appeared and conducted themselves with professionalism. Seven questions were asked by the moderator, and each candidate had one minute to respond. Candidates did a great job of staying within their time limits, and the forum ran smoothly and efficiently.

Two candidates were No-Shows. Incumbent Teresa Holmes did not show up, and James Mobley did not appear. Their name plates were left in place, and their chairs remained empty.

There is a rumor that a recording of the forum may be posted on the YouTube channel of the Columbia (SC) Chamber of Commerce. 

[Edited] Watch the Chamber's forum here:

Difference Don't Matter

Can you believe this?

"Difference Don't Matter"

It sho' don't.

Proud "product" of Spring Valley High School (as she often claims) and holder of an Ed.D. degree from an online school in California, and she announces, "Difference Don't Matter"?

Is that how she submitted it to LAMAR? Didn't they give her a proof to approve, before they created the bulletin board signage? Didn't she sign it and approve it? Didn't LAMAR tell her about the grammatical error?

Needless to say, this article is NOT a statement of support for Teresa. I wish her well in her campaign, and I sincerely hope that she comes in no worse than 12th. Of course, they are only 12 candidates in the race.