Tuesday, March 15, 2022
"Pi Day" and Ides of March
R2 Trespass Letter Violates Admin. Rule
Should the Richland 2 School District observe and follow Board Policies and Administrative Rules?
Board Policies are pretty easily found on the District's website at www. Richland2.org
It's another matter entirely to find Administrative Rules. Not so easy, but possible. The ones that may of most interest to parents and community members will be found in Section K - School-Community-Home Relations
Upon inquring about the procedure, rule, practice, regulation of District 2 pertaining to Trespass Notices, I learned of Administrative Rule KI-R Visitors. To find it,
Go to the District's website at www.richland2.org At the top right, click on EXPLORE. Then click on SCHOOL BOARD. Then click on BOARD POLICIES. On the left side, click on SECTION K - SCHOOL-HOME-COMMUNITY RELATIONS.
For the Trespass Policy, scroll down and click on Policy KI Visitors. Under that AR KI-R is the Administrative Rule regarding trespass.
It reads, in part,
“No Trespass” Notices
- "District and school administrators, after school or after hours program managers, district security and safety staff, school resource officers or other on-duty, or extra-duty law enforcement officers assigned to work at a school or event may issue a verbal or written “no trespass” notice for the school facility [emphasis added], delay the entry of a person for cause, or ask for the removal any such individual as necessary. On-duty law enforcement officers patrolling a school campus after-hours may also issue a “no trespass” notice to individuals who are not in compliance with a school’s “no trespass” sign or rules, are causing a disturbance, or are not in compliance with a local law while on school property."
Reporter Michael Smith of The Independent Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County contacted me for a comment after the Richland 2 Scho...
Trustee Monica Scott Tonight's meeting was one not to be missed! Thank goodness for Livestream. I had registered to speak; then yesterda...
For comments on the beginning of the board meeting, please see Part 1. At [23:40] on the YouTube version of the October 8, 2024 board meetin...