About a month ago I noticed an inconsistency in Board Policy BD, which states that "the elections will be conducted by the superintendent, who will preside and act as temporary chairman at the meeting until a chairman is elected." Therein lies the problem.
Paragraph 2 reads, "Elected officers will take their positions immediately upon completion of the election."
The first election is for the office of Board Chair. Does the newly-elected Chair take office as soon as elected and then conduct the elections for Vice Chair and Secretary?
Chair Agostini excused herself from the meeting and turned the meeting over to Supt. Gregory to conduct the elections. Supt. Gregory read Policy BD which states, in part, that "Officers will be elected by majority vote of the board using paper ballots unless there is a single nominee, in which case a show of hands will be used."
Niki Porter nominated Monica Scott for Chair. Angela Nash nominated Joe Trapp.
The trustees already had color-coded ballots and were directed to use the purple ballots for the election of the Chair.
Monica Scott then spoke up without asking to be recognized. She requested that trustees write their names on their ballots "so that we would know how the votes go." Supt. Gregory initially agreed. WHOA! WHAT DID SHE ASK?
Trustee McFadden objected and said it was to be a secret ballot. OF COURSE, IT IS. Monica Scott asked, "What's so secret about it?" That's the whole purpose of a written ballot when there is more than one nominee.
The ballots were counted off-camera by some unknown person(s). The vote was announced as three votes for Trapp and three votes for Scott.
Then without asking to be recognized, Scott conceded the election to Joe Trapp. A new vote was taken, and the vote for Trapp was 6-0 (and one person not present). A second vote wasn't really necessary. Because Scott conceded, Trapp was the winner.
At that point, according to Policy BD, Joe Trapp should have taken office and conducted the elections for Vice Chair and Secretary. But Gregory continued.
Trustee Washington nominated Angela Nash for Vice Chair. As the single nominee, a hand vote elected her.
Scott nominated McFadden for Secretary. Porter nominated Washington. Blue ballots were used. Washington was elected 4-2-1 (Yes, No, Not Present at Vote).
At this point the new officers were seated, and Joe Trapp conducted the balance of the meeting.