Tuesday, April 5, 2022

World's Greatest Teacher?

A friend sent me yesterday's article about a teacher at Georgia State University, Newton Campus, who called campus police because two students were late to class.

No racism there. The teacher is black; the two tardy students are black.

Read the article in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Associate Professor of English Carissa Gray is just a bad person. You think?

Then read her reviews on "Rate My Professors" website. 

To me, she looks like a great teacher. She expects students to do their work, arrive on time, not yawn in class (duh....) 

She got a bunch of "AWFUL" ratings from kids who look to me like they are "entitled"; i.e., entitled to A's for just making it to class a few times and not yawning too loudly.

Budget Input - two opportunities

Richland 2 will hold two Budget Input Sessions this month. Be sure to show up in-person and tell the board how you feel and what you want. Sending an email could end up - where? Speaking in-person? Be lively. Hold their attention. Don't let them hit Snooze.

Look them in the eye. Will they look you in the eye? Or will they stare at their tablets or phones or busy themselves with writing, while you are speaking?

First session. THURSDAY, April 7, 2022 6:30PM Jackson Creek Elementary School (why???)
Second session. Tuesday, April 26, 2022 6:30PM R2i2

From the District's website:



The Richland Two Board of Trustees and district administrators are holding input sessions to give employees, parents, students and community members the opportunity to provide suggestions for the FY 2022-2023 General Fund Budget. 

Public input sessions will be the first item on the agenda during the public sessions of the board meetings on April 7 and April 26. Public session of the meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. The April 7 meeting will be held at Jackson Creek Elementary School (7150 Trenholm Road Extension, 29223), and the April 26 meeting will be held at the R2i2 Conference Center (763 Fashion Drive, 29229).

The board meetings will be called to order at 5:30 p.m. and the board will immediately adjourn into executive session. Public session will resume at 6:30 p.m.

Can't Find the Proposed Budget?

Have you searched on the District's website for the 2022-2023 Proposed Budget and can't find it?

You're in good company.

Making it impossible to find will certainly shorten the Public Input session scheduled for Thursday, April 7, 6:30PM as Item 3 on the board's annual for that meeting.

Add your own voice to that of others by emailing Richland 2 right now to ask where the budget is posted.

This morning I used Let's Talk to email the Ombudsman.

"Will you please ask for the 2022-2023 proposed budget to be posted on the District's website in an easily-found location, so that parents, community members, other taxpayers, and employees can examine it before the public input session on April 7th at 6:30PM?

Good places for posting it would be

1. link with Item 3 in the Agenda for that night's board meeting;

2. link in Public Input session announcement on the Disrict's homepage;

3. a result when a search on the website is made for "budget"

Thank you."