Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Minutes of I.G. Committee - worthless

I've been monitoring the District's website for the Minutes of the January and February meetings of the I.G. Recommendations Committee. Finally, they have been posted.

If you read them, you will not have a clue as to what happened during those two meetings. If you weren't there, you won't know, because the meetings were not livestreamed.

Did anything happen?

Go to the Minutes, which are posted on the District's website. Click on EXPLORE, then on School Board, then on COMMITTEE MINUTES. Then click on each link.

There is no information about what was discussed!

Where is the written record of discussion about different sections of the IG's Report that were discussed. Where are the comments of Committee members about those sections?

So much for transparency!!!

Ditch the Dive

This image is still projected in the board room before school board meetings.

Richland 2 received some kind of award from an organization that seemed to me to have some political leanings or ideological positions.

I say it is time to Ditch the Dive and post something current in the board room, even it is just the Richland 2 "flame".

Pamela Davis snubs five Board members

 Pam Davis ignores Dr. Scott's extended hand

At last night's school board meeting the District's nationally-certified teachers were recognized. All were respectful toward the board members EXCEPT ONE.

Trustees were lined up to greet those being recognized and to shake hands with each teacher.

When Pamela Davis' name was called, she walked right past Trustees Trapp, McFadden, Washington, Scott, and Nash without any acknowledgement and did not shake hands with them.

Davis shook hands only with Interim Supt. Gregory and Trustee Porter.

Chair Agostini was absent from the meeting but attended by telephone. Would Davis have shaken hands with her? (Will the sun come up in the west tomorrow morning?)

It's too bad that Mrs. Agostini couldn't find her way through the telephone connection to trip Davis. I thought about boo-ing or hissing. Maybe I should have stood up and shouted, "YOU MISSED FOUR TRUSTEES!" After all, she had shouted at me a year ago.

You can see this clearly on the livestream recording. Move the timer to 2:56:18, so you can see this disgraceful act of disrespect.

Davis should be disciplined by the District for conduct unbecoming a teacher. I hope the superintendent or an employee will file a complaint against her.

I'll take the liberty of apologizing to the snubbed trustees on behalf of the public in Richland 2.