On the Agenda for March 8th Regular Board Meeting is a revision to Board Policy KE - Public Concerns and Complaints. This is THE ONE protection that the Public has to correct ills in-between elections. Now look what the superintendent and the board chair have dreamed up.
First, read Board Policy KE:
Policy KE Public Concerns and Complaints
Issued 4/19
"Complaints to one or more board members against any action or any employee of the district or against any administrative rule or board policy will be referred to the superintendent.
"If the matter cannot be resolved satisfactorily by the superintendent, the complainant may register the complaint in writing with the board chair, setting forth the facts on which the complaint is based.
"The board, at its next regular meeting or at a special meeting, will then consider the grievance of the complainant and dispose of the matter according to its best judgment."
Adopted 2/03; Revised 7/1/03, 4/30/19
Now read Board Policy KE, as the revision is proposed:
Policy KE Public Concerns and Complaints
Issued 4/19
Adopted 2/03; Revised 7/1/03, 4/30/19
Notice anything missing? Right!!! The entire Policy is missing. What the superintendent and the board chair want to do is to eliminate the public's right to have grievances addressed.
Here is how it looks in the attachment to the Agenda:
Right now it is a right. It's in Board Policy, and the Board must follow it.
Why would the superintendent and the board chair want to get rid of Board Policy KE?
Maybe they don't want the Board to have to hear a complaint and grievance about the superintendent's wife and how she disrupted a board meeting and swore at a 14-year-old student.
Maybe they don't want the boare to have to hear a complaint and grievance about the superintendent's wife about her pity-party on WIS-TV and her lies about what happened on January 25th in the boardroom.
Maybe the board does not want to have to hear a complaint and grievance about the unfair Trespass Policy and how it was weaponized against two white men on January 25th to protect one black woman in the board room who is married to the superintendent.
Maybe the board does not want to have to hear a complaint and grievance against the Richland 2 Media Relations Department for issuing an untrue press release to the public and to the employees and parents.
Communicate by email and phone right now with the seven board members and tell them you do NOT want them to eliminate Board Policy KE.