Wednesday, May 26, 2021

May 25th Board Meeting - Three-plus hours!!!

I was shocked to see the length of the May 25th school board meeting. Another marathon!!!

The board should hire an expert to teach them how to conduct efficient board meetings. I didn't watch any of it live. Had I been a board member, I'm sure I would have walked out a long time before the end of the meeting.

Trustee-elect Teresa Holmes skipped the meeting, with James Manning explaining that she had a personal matter. I guess I don't really care what personal matter came up, unless it was her own death. School board meeting dates are announced a year in advance, and it's her obligation to attend every one of them. Manning should have explained to the board and the public what the nature of the "personal matter" was.

Why in the world the board tolerates a 2 min. 45 sec. introduction of the inspirational-moment speaker by trustee-elect Amelia McKie, I have no idea. Her introduction could have been limited to 20-30 seconds. The speaker was the Principal of Bridge Creek Elementary, and she took 4 minutes, including a video in which it was very difficult to understand any of the students or staff because of loud background music and their wearing of masks.

Several people signed up for Public Participation. One topic was transparency about a program at CFI - I know that stands for something, but I couldn't easily find it in the Schools run-down.

Did anything important happen at the meeting? Were there any important decisions?

How Dangerous is The Left's Censorship?

Read this article about an interview with attorney Alan Dershowitz on attempts by The Left to silence opposing thoughts and speech.

Click here or here:

How dangerous is it when you cannot speak out without fearing losing of job or being doxxed?

I was recently threatened with a harassment complaint by a Bloomington, Ind. school board member, just because I wrote to complain about her vote and the board's decision to disarm SROs. Sure, I don't live in that district, but I have every legal right to address the board and comment on its decision that is dangerous to the safety, health and lives of students, staff and parents.

I recall a hearing before the election commission in McHenry County, Illinois, when a hearing was held on a voting regulation (fraud) complaint. The candidate's attorney asked the hearing officials to award legal fees; in other words, to pay his fees. The complainant's attorney spoke about the chilling effect that such an award would have on the filing of future complaints. The candidate's attorney was just grand-standing, but the hearing panel could have ruled favorably. It didn't.