Monday, May 30, 2022

Why Are Teachers Quitting?

How many teachers will be leaving Richland 2 in June? How many have left during the year? What are the demographics of those who have left and are leaving?

Is Richland 2 finding out exactly why they are leaving?

Will teachers be honest about why they are leaving?

Leaving "for a better opportunity" could be a cop-out - a way to avoid giving specific reasons about pressures at work or hours (and hours) required or department heads or assistant principals or principals or even the superintendent.

Read today's updated article in The Epoch Times.

Does Richland 2 conduct Exit Interviews with teachers? Are these interviews conducted anonymously by an unbiased, independent organization, so that teachers can be honest in their remarks and not worry about retaliation or retribution? So that teachers will not have to worry about "someone" bashing them in a reference?

Woke Wisdom at Richland 2

Ever since the shootings in Parkland, Fla, on February 14, 2018, I have been concerned about safety and security in Richland 2 schools. I first addressed the school board on February 27, 2018. See and fast-forward to 30:08. 

I suggested that board survey teachers, staff and parents on the topic of arming teachers. Upon reviewing my remarks, I was reminded that I had also requested the board on that date in 2018 to create a Parent and Community Members' Advisory Committee on School Safety. 

I was the only speaker that night. Chair Craig Plank invited anyone else who wished to speak to do so. (How different that is now. You might sign up at least 15 minutes before the meeting starts; if you don't, you can't speak.)

Later that evening a parent was allowed to speak during the second Public Participation segment. View that at 1:15:45 on the timer. No one had signed up, but the audience was invited to address the board. The speaker, a Lake Carolina mom of a third-grader, said she didn't want her child's teacher "packing heat". I guess my memory was fault. I thought two parents had spoken up against guns.

Don't we wish Craig Plank was the board chair now?

I have searched in Columbia and Richland County for groups that actually want to DO something to improve safety and security, not just have meetings and "talk" about it.

On Jan. 25, 2022 I got kicked out of a school board meeting after I introduced myself, quietly and politely, to the wife of the superintendent, Pamela Davis. She reacted disruptively and, a few minutes later, is reported to have cussed out a 14-year-old student. But she didn't get kicked out.

April 26, 2022 the Committee of the Whole on Safety and Security was created.

April 28, 2022 taunting and teasing of one board member by the board chair led to another chaotic meeting.

My requests to attend meetings of the Committee have been denied. 

July 1st is right around the corner. The incorrectly-worded Trespass Notice will expire then. 

Why won't Administration (that's the superintendent) and the Board correct the way Trespass Notices are implemented. Administration violates Board Policy, but the board does nothing about it. Even though the Trespass Notice extends for only one more month, should I haul Richland 2 into court and ask a judge to slap their hands?

Is Richland 2 bullying me? Taunting me? Teasing me? Retaliating for my blog and the many nights I have addressed the school board? Seeking retribution for my emails to board members and Admnistration?

Board Policy KI contains Administrative Rule KI-R, which reads, in part: "(Security officers) may issue a verbal or written 'no trespass' notice for the school facility..." Facility is singular. That's one school; in this case, R2i2.

The Trespass Notice sent to me reads, in part, that I am banned from "...ALL [emphasis in the original] Richland School District Two properties, facillities, campuses and buildings..."

The District refuses to address my complaint about the improper expansion of the trespass notice from one school to ALL properties.

Failing to address my complaint is a violation of a different Board Policy (KE).