Tuesday, March 14, 2023

It's Pi Day


Do Richland 2 students learn what pi is? Even the math students - do they?

How many digits of pi can you name? Do you know many digits of pi there are?

Here's a starter. To 39 places, pi is 

But many people just think of it as 3.14. Or today, March 14.

4:00PM Opening of 3/14/23 Board Meeting

The school board convened in Regular Session at 4:00PM. Vice Chair Monica Scott chaired the opening session, because Chair Lindsay Agostini was not attending in-person; she attended by telephone.

Niki Porter objected to the agenda item for the executive session that included discussion of the hiring of a superintendent in closed session. A hand vote was taken (4 (Scott, Agostini, Nash, Trapp) -2 (Porter, Washington) -0-1 (Not Present)), and the motion passed.

The board then voted 6-0-0-1 (Not Present) to enter executive session.

Normally, sound goes silent at that point. Today, however, a male voice could be heard, saying, "I am now ending the phone call of this meeting, so that you guys can go make executive session. Miss [sic] Agostini, please stay connected if you could."

Being picky, I wondered how he was going to end the phone call and not disconnect Trustee Agostini.

The public session reconvenes at 6:30PM.