Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Special-Called Board Meeting - (this) Thursday, Jan. 5

The Richland 2 school board has announced a Special-Called Meeting for (this) Thursday, Jan. 5, at 5:30PM at R2i2.

Two items will be discussed in Executive Session: 1) the superintendent's contract and 2) superintendent board relations.

Of course, "in Executive Session" means you won't hear the good stuff.

After the Executive Session ends and the board re-convenes in open session, the board will vote on action to be taken, if any.

The board will then discuss the Inspector General's Report. This should be more than interesting.

The I.G. was critical of the (past) board, but many of the issues involved matters that the board either didn't know about or chose to keep quiet about. The only way that the board could have known about problems was if the superintendent had informed them.

The new board should be grilling the superintendent about the extent to which, if any, he informed any members of the then-majority on the board about the problems. 

Board Chair Lindsay Agostini should appoint a special committee to dig into the I.G.'s Report. Not more than two board members, plus members of the public, staff, teachers. The I.G.'s Report shouldn't consume all the time of the board, but it shouldn't get just left-overs.

Next board meeting Dec. 13, 2022 (oh, wait)

If you look at the Richland 2 homepage, you'll see that the next school board meeting is December 13, 2022. Seriously?

Obviously, that's wrong. The next Regular board meeting will be on January 10th, but you have to know where to look to find the date.

Why wasn't the December 13th meeting announcement removed on December 14?

Libby Roof left in November. Greg Turchetta doesn't start until January 9. Did Libby take the keys with her? Not likely.

Wasn't anyone in the media relations department cross-trained? There is no way that Libby would have been the one to update a routine meeting announcement on the website. That could be assigned way down the food chain.

Maybe no one gave the order to update the homepage. Maybe no one was brave enough to take the initiative and just do it. 

What happens to an employee who sticks her neck up out the foxhole and takes the initiative?

Does the superintendent ever look at the website? Didn't he notice that, with ever passing day, the information was further out-of-date?