Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Board - tired by 9:30PM

At last night's meeting (5/14/19) you could tell that the board was getting tired by 9:30PM. After all, they had been there since 5:00PM, with only a short transition at 6:30PM from the Executive Session back to re-convene the Regular Session.

And what about the audience, which had been enduring board considerations and debate for three hours by that time? Just imagine if you told a student to sit in his chair for 180 minutes and keep his mouth shut. There would be complaints of torture and "cruel and unusual punishment".

But there we sat, on good behavior and without protest. Good thing, too, since there were at least two deputy sheriff's in the room, ready to pounce if anyone yawned too loudly.

At 9:58PM Ms. Holmes made a comment about the "school-to-prison pipeline". Only a portion of her comment was audible in the room. Check the YouTube video.

Then Mr. Manning asked about the student who cusses out his teacher or slugs him (or her).

At 10:13PM Mrs. Agostini asked that the next meeting's Agenda including a cell phone tower update (for the public) and that the bond attorney attend to explain the addenda over which she had resigned as Board Secretary at the last meeting.

McKie moved right on to approval of the Agenda for May 28th without commenting on Mrs. Agostini's request. My guess? Neither item will be on the Agenda. Surprise me!

During the Board & Superintendent Comments segment just before the end of the meeting (just before 10:30PM) Mrs. Agostini referred to McKie's having failed to meet the April deadline for her (McKie's) Campaign  Disclosure Report. While Agostini was speaking, McKie was busy reading papers from a file folder and moving other papers, clearly ignoring Agostini. (That won't show up on the YouTube video, because the camera will be focused on Mrs. Agostini.)

McKie's closing comments could not be heard throughout the room, because she did not speak directly into her microphone and turned her head away from the microphone to look at other board members. She seemed to be perturbed by "attacks".

The truth hurts. Sometimes.

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