Friday, January 31, 2020

Staying alive

An article in this morning's The State describes the grief being experienced in Saluda after a single-vehicle crash that killed two high school students and injured one.

Read the article by Sarah Ellis here.

How do we keep kids alive today?

As a former deputy sheriff and motorcycle patrol officer, I would like to see an article in The State that dissects the crash. But it'll never be there, because newspapers don't print analytical articles about fatal crashes. They should.

Readers could learn from such analyses. Parents could sit their children down and explain how they can stay alive.

Maybe the crash in Saluda was "just" an accident. I tend to think not.

Was the driver speeding? Distracted? Impaired? Were the passengers concerned about his driving before the accident?

Or, if he was speeding or driving recklessly, did they think that was "cool"?

Parents, when you see articles about fatal crashes, discuss them with the children in your home. You might just be saving their lives.

Tell them to get out of the car, if the driver is endangering them. Tell them that you will pick them up - anywhere and at any time, no questions asked - if their safety is at risk. And then do it.

Students, get out of the car, even if you are going to get wet or cold or have to walk home.

YOU are responsible for your life.

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