Monday, May 11, 2020

R2 Agenda for 5/12/2020 Grade? F

The District has failed once again to meet state law in announcing a meeting of the school board.

The agenda for the May 12th Regular Meeting does not indicate the location for the meeting.

A page of the website preceding the Agenda lists "Zoom" and no further explanation.

When (If) you visit the District's homepage for more information, you learn that the meeting is not on Zoom. You must view the meeting at

How many people will go to Zoom and then start scratching their heads? And miss the meeting.

One of the trustees asked at a recent meeting for the agenda to show the correct meeting location. Well???

The pertinent section of the S.C. Code of Laws is

"SECTION 30-4-80. Notice of meetings of public bodies.

(A) All public bodies, except as provided in subsections (B) and (C) of this section, must give written public notice of their regular meetings at the beginning of each calendar year. The notice must include the dates, times, and places of such meetings. An agenda for regularly scheduled or special meetings must be posted on a bulletin board in a publicly accessible place at the office or meeting place of the public body and on a public website maintained by the body, if any, at least twenty-four hours prior to such meetings. All public bodies must post on such bulletin board or website, if any, public notice for any called, special, or rescheduled meetings. Such notice must include the agenda, date, time, and place [emphasis added] of the meeting, ..."

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