Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Best written Public Participation!!! Supt. disses teachers, parents.

The October 27th board meeting had the very best set of submitted comments to be read to the Board since virtual meetings began.

As soon as the video is published on YouTube, watch this board meeting on YouTube. The Public Participation was broken into two segments, so that all 21 letters could be read.

At 9:54 on the timer Mrs. Libby Roof beg`an reading the first half of the letters. Unfortunately, she is a speed-reader and, at times, it is hard to follow what she is saying. However, the communication is shown on screen, so that you can read it and follow along.

Many were from teachers with health problems who have been denied accommodations by the District.

Sometime around 1 hour 10 minutes into the meeting (I'll add the exact time on October 29), Mrs. Roof began reading the second half of the letters.

Take the time to listen to the reading of these letters.

Then scroll ahead to hear the superintendent's comments during the Board & Superintendent Comments. His comments begin at 1:39 (one hour 39 min.) on the timer. He opened with saying he was "disheartened". Oh, my; his feeling were hurt. He launched into a "Damn the Torpedoes. Full Speed Ahead" speech, justifying all the planning and hard work of the teams worked. 

I was immediately reminded of these words: 

"No plan survives the first shot. No plan survives first contact with the enemy. No plan survives its initial implementation. 'No plan survives contact with the enemy.' (Barnett, 1963)" (Google) and

"No plan survives first contact with the enemy. What matters is how quickly the leader is able to adapt." (Tim Hartford)

And he disrespected those at-risk teachers and parents of at-risk students and children whose comments were read earlier. And then he criticized parents for "utilizing children to advocate". Where did he get that???

Chairman Shadd should have cut him off and told him to hold his speech for another meeting; i.e., put it on the agenda. 

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