Monday, November 30, 2020

Richland 2 - going, going, gone Woke

This article by Charles Fain Lehman in the November 30, 2020 Washington Free Beacon is a must-read! Titled "America's High Schools Go Woke", it contains many very familiar words - words often heard at Richland 2 school board meetings.

What words?

Racism. Injustice. Diversity. mandatory Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training  systemic racism. Racial bias. Insensitivity. Director of Diversity. 

Other words in the article got my attention and caused me to think of Richland 2 School District.

Critical Race Theory. Diversity consultancies (think Gloria Boutte). Racial discontent. The 1619 Project (still waiting for the District to reply to my question at the board meeting about the extent this is being taught in schools).

Robin DiAngelo's book White Fragility is mentioned. I checked that out of the Richland Library, read a few pages and returned it. It has one good use - wrap the fish in it.

What's the REAL problem at Richland 2? There isn't any actual racism, except for all the talk about racism. They are creating a problem, so they can impose an expensive solution for it. This is the problem. The progressive influence on education. 

Get back to the basics.

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