Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Inspirational Moment - 3/9/2021. Long Intro., shorter Moment

Once again, it happened.

When trustee-elect Amelia McKie took the stage for her introduction of the Inspirational Moment, she blathered on and on for almost three minutes! 

At one point she was describing Dr. Sheley's accomplishments and said, "...huge, huge, huge, five huge..." At times I think she doesn't even know what she is saying. McKie could have just said, "Tonight's Inspirational Moment will be given by our own Dr. Sheley."

Dr. Sheley took just 3½ minutes for her Inspirational Moment - quite a refreshing change from previous speakers.

Near the end of the meeting a number of board members felt it necessary to ramble on and on in their appreciation for everybody on the planet except the Queen of England (and probably Donald Trump), as they proceeded to lavish praise on staff, employees and presenters. Board members should stop hogging the spotlight and leave some crumbs for the Board Chair. The Board Chair can be the one to thank staff. 

Trustee McFadden was wise in passing on comments. Others could learn from her, the newest member of the board.

Even the superintendent went overboard on praise. The staff members just did the jobs they are paid to do. They are told to prepare and present reports to the board. How much praise should that merit?

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