Saturday, September 25, 2021

Naming New Facilities

OK, sit up, folks.

Remember a few meetings ago when a question arose about the naming of new facilities.

Board Policy FF Naming New Facilities was just revised on March 12, 2019. 

Look at what is wanted now. Who has a name up her sleeve for a new facility's name? (I say "her" because there is only one man on the board.)  And which facility?

At the end of the Policy is a mark-up for a proposed change. If someone donates a lot of money, the board can consider naming a facility after the donor. Otherwise, faciliies cannot be named for a living person. 

Then the proposed revision reads: "In very unusual situations, names of persons who have been deceased for more than 10 3 or more years may also be considered." (More correct would be "three or more" years, rather than "3 or more".

Personally, I oppose naming any public buildings after people, dead or alive. If a building is a science building, then call it the Science Building.

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