Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Using Nurses for Clerks?

WIS-TV is running an article about how over-worked Richland 2 nurses are. Gee, they are having to work for their pay? Must be torture.

Here's the article. Just click to read, or go to the WIS-TV website. 

When I first read about Contact Tracers a few months ago, I wondered why nurses were being used for those calls. Why not hire and train people for $10.00/hour to make telephone calls and record information on sheets or in computer files, to be later analyzed (hopefully, by computer) for any useful information? 

What kind of management expertise does it take to choose between highly-paid nurses and lower-paid clerical employees? That's merely wise utilization of resources and money. 

But why do that when you have lots of money and don't need to conserve it?

Another obvious benefit is avoiding burn-out. Well, too late for that one; right?

It's never too late.

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