What will happen if only "The Four" show up at the September 22nd Special-Called Board Meeting? "The Four" are Holmes, McKie, Caution-Parker and Manning.
There won't be a meeting, because there won't be a quorum.
Even if Lashonda McFadden shows up, making five there, there will NOT be a legal quorum. There will be only three legal members of the board.
Even if Monica Elkins shows up, there won't be a legal quorum. There will be only four legal members of the board.
That's because Holmes and McKie are not legitimate members of the board. Neither has EVER taken the oath of office legally.
For there to be a legal quorum, Caution-Parker, Manning, McFadden, Elkins AND Agostini will have to show up.
But look how the balance shifts with that legal quorum.
After the superintendent's proposed revised contract is discussed in executive (secret) session, the board will reconvene in public session.
Caution-Parker or Manning will move to approve it; the other will second it. There will be more discussion.
Perhaps the objectionable terms of the proposed contract will be discussed in public.
Then there will be a vote.
One possible result of a vote by the five legal, legitimate members of the board would be 2-3, resulting in a failure to approve.
Caution-Parker and Manning will vote to approve.
Agostini, Elkins and McFadden could vote against approving. Maybe they don't like the perks. Maybe they think they raise is too large. Maybe they think teachers, aides, lunchroom workers, bus drivers, secretaries ought to get a raise before the superintendent does.
Result? 2-3 and Fail.
Or Holmes and McKie could vote, and then the outcome will be 4-3 or 5-2 or 6-1.
The best outcome tomorrow will be if Agostini, Elkins and McFadden just don't show up.
Then Holmes can show her true colors. How would she handle such a rebuke? Would she just announce that, because there is not a quorum, there is no meeting. And say nothing else?
O.K. Standing by to take your bets now.
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