Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Equity Grading - what is it?

Many parents have not yet heard of "equity grading". Here is a partial description:

- Removing late penalties for homework assignments,
- Not allowing students to earn extra credit;
- Allowing unlimited redoes of assignments; 
- Eliminating grading on homework assignments. 

Those came from today's FoxNews article titled "Virginia teachers fire back after school district mulls implementing more 'equitable' grading system"   Click on the link to read the article.

What else is it? Issuing a minimum grade of (for example, 40), rather than a zero on a test. Why? Because a zero creates a bar that can hardly be overcome to achieve a passing grade in a class.

What else is it? Do you have other examples of "equity grading"? Put examples in the Comments box below.

I guess there's yet another way to grade. Just give everyone an A at the beginning of the grading period. If the student doesn't get expelled, that's his grade. Are we coming to this?

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