Friday, March 11, 2022

Sheriff Lott on Gun Violence

Sheriff Lott 3/9/2022

Watch this interview on WIS-TV with Sheriff Lott.

A 16-year-old has been charged with murdering a 14-year-old on March 7. The body was found near 2400 Kneece Road, only a couple of blocks north of Richland North East High School (through a wooded area). Were they students at RNE?

OK, Richland 2. You announced BeSMART. What's up with that? Is anything going on at all?

Is it just another plaque on the wall? Another program of "Talk, No Walk"?

I wanted to volunteer (that was before I was banned from school property until July 1) and get involved. I was a deputy sheriff (reserve) in Colorado for almost eight years. I've been handling guns safely for many years. I wanted to know what Richland 2 is actually going to do about preventing gun violence.

What did Supt. Davis recommend? Join BeSMART. Give me a break!

BeSMART is part of the Michael Bloomberg Everytown for Gun Safety and MOMs Demand Action crowd. Those groups talk about gun violence. My opinion is that they are mostly anti-gun, and their idea of stopping gun violence is to get rid of all privately-owned guns.

Will that happen in the USA? Not likely. What if every citizen in Ukraine had had a gun? How far would the Russians have gotten?

Sheriff Lott is right. You have to get into the heads of the kids (and adults) and convince them that banging away is not the right step.

Is there any anti-gun violence group in Columbia or Richland County that is doing more than just talking about it???

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