Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Roll Call at Board Meetings?

Should the Richland 2 School Board take a roll call at every board meeting? 

How else would the Minues ever correctly reflect who was there and who was not, or who attended by telephone?

Roll call should be taken at 5:30PM, when the Public Session officially convenes. And probably again at the beginning of the Executive Session, just in case someone got lost on the way to dinner.

And then roll call should be taken at 6:30PM, when the Public Session reconvenes. How much time would that require? One minute? (More, if certain people didn't recognize their name or weren't paying attention.)

If a board member is absent in-person but attending remotely, that should be properly noted to the Public and in the Minutes. The reason should be clear. And those board members present in person should vote whether to allow that absent person to attend telephonically.

The Richland 2 school board is not an after-school club. It is the elected group that oversees a $300,000,000+ annual budget, 28,000+ students, 3,000+ employees, and assets worth $1 Billion.

Next time you are attending or watching a meeting, ask yourself this question. "If I owned that business, which of those eight people at the front of the room would I trust to direct it and run it?"

Remember this on November 8, 2022.

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