Saturday, May 28, 2022

A Book to Read - Why Meadow Died

I wish to recommend a book to you. I have recommended it to the Committee of the Whole on Safety & Security and to the candidates for the school board who have already identified themselves.

Why Meadow Died, by Andrew Pollack. 

The author's daughter, Meadow, died in the shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. on February 14, 2018. You might think that Mr. Pollack is against guns. He's not. Please read the book.

That shooting is what prompted me to address the Richland 2 School Board two weeks later, on February 27, 2018. I urged the Board to survey of parents, community members, teachers, and staff on the topic of arming teachers and staff. The board never considered my request, and Supt. Davis rejected it.

Soon after that, I urged the Board to apply for a School Safety Shield Grant. The Grant might have been $15,-20,000 of unrestricted funds, to be used by the school district to improve safety. Again, the board never considered my request, and Supt. Davis rejected it. I felt it was not considered because the Grant would have been from the NRA.

And here we are today. Still "talking" about safety and security.

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