Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Opening of 5/10/2022 Board Meeting

The chair gaveled the meeting open but failed to call the meeting to order. She just asked for a motion to go into executive session.

Trustees McFadden and Caution-Parker were not present. No reason was given for their absence. 

The chair must have believed that a quorum was present. The board did not have a legal quorum, because Holmes and McKie are not legitimate members of the board. They have never taken the oath-of-office legally; i.e., after filing their Statements of Economic Interests Reports on December 4, 2018.

Only three legitimate board members were present: Agostini, Manning and Scott.

The motion to enter executive session was made and seconded. Trustee Agostini was recognized, and  she mentioned a violation of Board Policy BEC during the April 28, 2022 special-called board meeting, when a board member made a recording that was given to the Richland County Sheriff's Department, and she said she hoped that would not happen again.

Board Policy BEC reads, in part, "Board members or any other persons attending will not use tape recorders or any other other means of sonic or video reproduction to record executive sessions."

What are the consequences or penalties for violating board policy? If there are none, then why have the Policies? Who was the offending board member?

Most of the board members had their tablets open and ready for the vote to go into executive session. Teresa Holmes did not, so the vote was a hand vote; 5-0. Why is it that she cannot turn on her tablet and be prepared for the start of the meeting?

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