Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Quorum - Committee of the Whote

How many board members must attend meetings of the Committee of the Whole (ex., on Safety & Security)?

Holmes was quick to tell board members on April 26 that "you don't have to attend". Really?

Robert's Rules of Order §40:5 reads, in part, "In a committee of the whole or its variations (52), the quorum is the same as in the assembly unless the rules of the assembly or the organization (that is, either its bylaws or its rules of order) specify otherwise."

For the Richland 2 Committee of the Whole, the quorum is five (5). If three do not show it, the committee of the whole cannot transact business.

It is the duty of the presiding officer to confirm that a quorum is present (§40:11). If a quorum doesn't show up, the only action by the presiding officer is to call for a motion to adjourn.

Who will give Holmes the bad news?

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