On August 11, 2022 I filed a FOIA request with Richland 2 for her final two expense reimbursement requests for the School Year, along with the signatures and names of the Richland 2 folks who approved her over-spending. The District finally responded on September 22.
Teresa seems to enjoy living high on the hog, when it comes to spending public monies.
In addition to the conference fee of $600 for the National School Boards Association conference in San Diego, she roughed it in a $285.00 (plus taxes) room for four nights at the Hard Rock San Diego.
The conference was over on Monday, April 4, at Noon. Why didn't she fly back on Monday? If she stayed Monday night (for pleasure), why did the District pay for that???
She also blew $587.30 on a car rental. Why would she need a car? It's a business meeting! Was ride-share or car-sharing beneath her lofty position as Board Chair?
She paid $140.00 in baggage fees. And $248.00 in meals.
AND she paid $55.00/night for Overnight Valet Parking. For April 2 $110.00 (two (2) $55.00 overnight valet parking fees); April 3 $55.00; April 4 $55.00 overnight valet parking. Total $220.00 for Overnight Valet Parking.
Why did she pay TWO overnight valet parking fees on April 2? (Maybe one of them was for the day of arrival, April 1. Maybe.)
So the car in San Diego cost Richland 2 $797.30 ($587.30 + $210.00) for five days!!! What kind of car did she rent for those five days?
Add her airline ticket of $976.19. Did she fly First Class?
So, it cost the District $4006.03 for that junket. What did she learn?
Based on her behavior during the months of April, May and June (the balance of the School Year), did she learn anything? Did the District get any benefit?
Who gave the ultimate approval for her bills? Supt. Baron Davis.
Was that good stewardship of public monies??? $4,006.03 !!!
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