Wednesday, October 12, 2022

10/12/22 Board Meeting - 2nd Executive Session

The school board conducted a second Executive Session last night for the stated purpose of (Item 15.2) Investigation Update and (Item 15.3) Legal Update.

On which investigation did they get an update? Is there more than one ongoing investigation? Or is the only one the investigation by the South Carolina State Inspector General?

Presumably, the Legal Update was on the Inspector General's investigation. But there is no way of knowing.

The recording resumes at 5:03:29 on  Caution-Parker has cleared her desk. McKie is packing up.

The second Executive Session adjourned at 10:27PM, and the board members couldn't wait to clear out. 

Trustee Agostini moved to skip Board & Superintendent Comments. Supt. Davis can be seen packing up. Caution-Parker made her contribution for the evening by seconding the motion, thereby earning her $384 per diem.

Manning called for a Motion to Adjourn. McKie was busy packing up and had to be reminded by Chair Manning to raise her hand high to adjourn.

Manning didn't really need McKie's vote. He could have just ignored her disrespect and inattention and then announced the vote as 6-0-0, meaning 6 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstaining. 

If a member of a public body doesn't vote Yes or No and is not Absent, then the vote is recorded as Abstaining. The member of the public body does not have to announce that he or she is abstaining from the vote.

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