Thursday, July 18, 2024

Are the Children Well?

Do you remember this from a couple of years ago (under the old regime)? How many times was that said?

"How are the children?"

"The children are well."

I received an email today from The Heritage Foundation with the subject line, "The kids are not alright. [sic]"

Overlooking the grammatical error ("all right"), the message is right. Here's that email, in part:

American children are in trouble.

The radical Left has infiltrated America’s core institutions, especially schools and universities.

From the minute American children enter our schools, they are overwhelmed with leftist ideas like transgenderism and critical race theory. 

An [sic] if they aren’t fully indoctrinated by the time they graduate high school, college professors and administrators finish the job by pumping their brains with intellectually childish lies about American history and denying basic facts like men can’t be women.

This toxic leftist indoctrination is what created the shocking protests across America’s elite universities this year."

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