Friday, November 29, 2019

December 3 Agenda Published

The Agenda for the December 3, 2019 Special Called Board Meeting is now available on the District's website. The meeting will start at 5:30PM at Jackson Creek Elementary School. Thanks to the Richland 2 staff member who worked Wednesday night or Thursday to post the Agenda, after the website was restored to use.

There is no Executive Session on the Agenda.

There is no Public Participation on the Agenda.

On the Agenda is the Approval for the rezoning of Jacob's Creek and Forest Creek communities.

What does this mean to you, if you are a parent of a student at Catawba Trail Elementary School who does not want your child to change schools?

It means that you had better get busy this week-end and contact your school board members by phone, email and in person.

Most of them are going to do what the Administration is asking. Some may not. If you don't do anything, then don't complain afterwards.

I don't have a dog in this fight. I don't have a child at Catawba Trail. I don't have any child or grandchild in a Richland 2 school.

Was the timetable too short for a major decision? Do the parents of the approximately-240 students who will be affected all know what's going on? Were all the options explored? Are you satisfied with the communication from and with Richland 2?

The only reason to show up Tuesday night is to monitor the action by the school board and to hold them accountable. At some point you might want to ask the board to explain why

  1. it made the decision at a Special Called meeting, not at a Regular meeting
  2. it scheduled the decision at a school far from your neighborhood
  3. it did not include Public Participation

I predict this vote on Tuesday night: 6-0-0-1 (For, Against, Abstain, Absent)

Two of those six are not legal board members. If only four legal board members are present, then the board does not have a quorum and cannot vote. But vote they will, and that means the vote will be invalid. But they will call it a valid vote and, when the day of reckoning arrives, the board will have to go all the way back to November 13, 2018 and correct all the decisions that were affected by the votes of the two illegitimate "members".

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