Thursday, September 23, 2021

Open Letter to Richland 2 Board

The following has been emailed to the Richland 2 board.

Members of the board and trustees-elect Holmes and McKie,

The way to train the board chair not to waste your time with unnecessary special-called meetings is not to show up. SIX people should have told Teresa NO.

The 9/22/21 meeting was unnecessary, since the supt's raise was effective retroactive to 7/1/2021. It wouldn't have mattered if you had waited six months. I'm a little concerned about what "an additional 4% increase" meant. Was it just careless wording?

Having a special-called non-emergency meeting on two days' notice, on a Friday after-hours, is stupid. Expecting staff to show up to deliver reports on a Friday night is completely disrespectful. Nothing will get done over the week-end. Staff already have their Monday-Tuesday workloads arranged. Will the supt. call in staff to work over the week-end on any decisions reached tomorrow night? They should say NO.

The way you train a kid to stop asking for candy is to say "No" one time - and mean it. The kid might ask 2-3-5-10-15-20 times. Don't give in. If you give in, then you have just trained the kid to keep asking until he gets it.

I thought the Sept. 14 meeting was bad. That was until last night. Remember that Teresa said "The children are watching." What did they learn last night from the chaos, disrespect, ignorance, rudeness? 

I don't even think that Robert's Rules of Order training will help several people on the board. They are past learning, partly because they have forgotten how to listen.

Enjoy your Friday evening and your week-end. Skip the special-called meeting.

Train Teresa back to a standard of reasonableness and courtesy. Don't be bullied.

Gus Philpott

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