Sunday, September 5, 2021

R2 redrawing school boundaries

Parents, you'd better get on top of Richland 2's plans for re-drawing school attendance boundaries.

Read this article in today's Post and Courier.

Is it correct? Does it make sense? The article says that Richland 2 school board will vote on October 26 on changing attendance boundaries. Are you in touch with Administration? With school board trustees? Will the two trustees-elect, who aren't legitimate board members, be allowed to vote? (You can count on it.)

Here's what doesn't make sense to me in the article.

Bethel-Hanberry Elementary in Blythewood is 120 students over capacity. 
Langford Elementary is 250 students under capacity. The schools are two miles apart.

It looks like 270 students would be moved out of Bethel-Hanberry.

The article reports that over 3,000 students could be affected, including students of Round Top Elementary. That's more than 10% of the District's enrollment. 

Board meetings are scheduled for September 14, September 28, October 12, and October 26. No doubt there will be other meetings. The agenda for each meeting will be published and can be read on the District's website at least 24 hours before the start of the meeting and often 2-3 days before the meeting. 

Read carefully for the deadline to sign up to speak at meetings. For the August 24th meeting the deadline was an inconsiderate FORTY-FIVE (45) minutes before the start of the meeting. Hopefully, the Board and Administration will come to their senses before the September 14th meeting and change the sign-up deadline to 10-15 minutes before the meeting. 

It doesn't even have to be that short a deadline. There is no reason a parent or community member couldn't sign up even after the meeting starts and then be allowed to speak during the second Public Participation segment.

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