That change must be new. The District's website hasn't even been updated yet. On 11/12/2021 at 4:48PM it still reads
Dr. Helen Nelson Grant
Chief Diversity and Multicultural Inclusion Officer
This presentation should be "interesting", since the words "diversity, equity and inclusion" are key components of critical race theory.
The title of her presentation is "The Difference Between Critical Race Theory and Culturally Relevant Teaching."
Her dog-and-pony show consists of 28 PowerPoint pages. You can see and study them on the agenda for the November 16 board meeting. Go to the agenda and scroll down on the left side to Item 10.5 "Update: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion" When you find that, click on it. The PowerPoint presentation will open up.
Be sure to look at them carefully.
I spoke with a teacher this week who attended the In-Service Training that was provided to Richland 2 staff. I was told that my blog (this one) was 100% accurate. And that teachers are afraid to speak up.
Of course, they are. If they express a different opinion to the "right way to think", they put their jobs and future at risk. And they know it.
The board meeting will be eight hours long if Mrs. Grant reads every word on every page. Almost every professional presenter knows that you never prepare this type of presentation with page after page of narrative. You use bullet-points and then tell your story.
But the "show" Tuesday night must be told exactly right. If she gets off-script and trustees interrupt with questions, the temperature will drop 40º. Bring your parkas and mittens.
"The core idea (of Critical Race Theory) is that racism is a social construct..." PowerPoint 11.slide.
"The construct of race ..." / STAMPED, by Reynolds & Kendi, Inside front dust cover.
On the second slide is mentioned "culturally relevant pedagogy". That is a pet program of Gloria Boutte of the University of South Carolina. The Board was treated to an explanation of that exact program on March 26, 2019. Richland 2 implemented and has been using Boutte's program. That was the meeting when then-Board member Jamie Shadd said something about how young black men just talk loudly. Also at the meeting Board member James Manning reluctantly rose to the defense of white teachers.
Keywords on Slide 2: "...intentional focus on providing an equitable education for all of our students."
Let's hope the board stops Mrs. Grant after about five minutes and starts peppering her with direct questions. Don't let her waste 50+ minutes of time speed-reading her slides.
"Dr." Grant is a lawyer by education. She is not the school district's lawyer. She has an administrative role in the District. She should be addressed as Mrs. Grant, not Dr. Grant. Have you EVER heard a lawyer anywhere being addressed as Dr. (last name)?
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