Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Chair's flop on Procedure; Holmes wrong AGAIN

(Sort of) Board Chair Holmes blew parliamentary procedures AGAIN on the Consent Agenda.

Result? The official Minutes of the January 11, 2022 meeting have been approved WITH MAJOR ERRORS.  But does the board, including the Board Secretary, care???

At the January 25th board meeting, when the Consent Agenda was to be approved, McKie made the motion and Caution-Parker seconded.

Trustee Agostini moved to remove the Minutes of the past meeting from the Consent Agenda. 

What did Holmes say? She asked if Trustee Agostini was making a Motion. HELLO??? DUH......

How many meetings will it take to train Holmes in parliamentary procedures??? When someone says, "I move...", she is making a motion. Somebody, please explain that to Teresa. The supt. should explain it to her. Manning, the Vice-Chair, could/should explain it. McKie, the Board Secretary (sort of) could explain it. Maybe.

I've written before that, as soon as Agostini begins speaking. Holmes stops listening. That's part of the problem. She doesn't want to hear anything Agostini says.

At the last meeting the superintendent confirmed no Second was necessary.

Then Holmes embarrassed herself by asking if Agostini had a reason for wanting the item removed.

THAT IS THE WRONG QUESTION, and she has no right or duty ot ask it. 

Holmes should have called for Discussion, explaining that no second was required. Then, during discussion, Agostini would have explained. The only thing that Agostini needed to say was that there were serious errors in the Minutes. And the Board then should have approved her secondary motion. That item would then be off the Consent Agenda and handled separately, after the remaining Consent Agenda was approved.

Agostini withdrew her motion, suggesting that the board should learn how to handle a Board member's request to remove an item from the Consent Agenda.

Holmes said it was addressed properly.


And then Holmes asked for a Motion on the Consent Agenda. Holmes cannot even keep track of what's happening. Why not???

If you ever want to know whether Holmes has been wrong about something, ask her. I'm sure she'll tell you she has never been wrong!

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