Good evening, madam chair, board, and the audience.
Mr. Riesh, you’re gonna need more help than from the board. You’re gonna need help from the citizens in this county. You’re gonna need help from those who don’t like the fact that 80% of these students are black and brown, and don’t like the fact that black history is being taught and American history is being taught to these students. You’re gonna need help from those whose mind is so thick with white supremacy race theory. Not critical race theory, but white supremacy race theory, that they are driving themselves insane – to the point that a man’s wife is not even safe in this building. To the point that a man’s wife is being accosted by a white male whose belief in white supremacy is so thick and so deep that they could not stand the fact that she doesn’t want to have a conversation with them because she fears their presence in her space. But they didn’t respect that because in their minds they still have that attitude of white supremacy they couldn’t stand the fact that she said No. See, these attitudes have become beliefs, hard _____ beliefs and these beliefs have now become policy, and these policies have become institutions and systems that are put in place to keep you – Negroes – in your place.
You don’t like what I’m saying, but I’m not here to mince words with NONE of you, and we all are sick and tired of this kind of behavior. (gestures at audience) And we are not going to allow you to threaten our women any longer. That is a warning! We don’t threaten yours. You don’t threaten ours. If she says she don’t [sic] want to talk to you, leave her alone. So all you men in here, act like a man and not like some Trump. And then deal with respect. And none of these board members need to leave here in fear, and this man (pointing to Baron Davis) shouldn’t be threatened. ‘cause he’s been threatened! You think this is 1900? 1850? Nooo, these days are different now. We got a whole ‘nother generation on scene.
If you don’t want this kind of foolishness to explode in your face, I’m asking members of the audience to get yourself together, because some of us have no fear of what you are trying to do. And we gonna stand against you with everything that we have.
So I’m sorry to be loud, but I want to make a point here. We’re not playing wich [sic] you. Get your act together. (Pointing at audience) and respect these people. (Pointing at board) Do your job. Do it well. It’s okay to have disagreements, but be civil.
(pointing again at the audience) that kind of behavior better not EVER – EVER
(shouting into microphone) happen again. NEVER again.
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